Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Ice cream is NOT good for your heart

Someone wrote to me yesterday saying she heard ice
cream is good for the heart and wanted to know if that was

I guarantee that someone on the board of the Dairy Council
dreamed that one up.

Ice cream is about as good for your heart as arsenic.

The same can be said for all dairy products, including all
forms of milk (whole, skim, 1%, 2%, low-fat), cream (heavy
and light), half and half, cheese, yogurt, ice cream,
frozen yogurt, frozen custard and sour cream.

Dairy products are acid-producing to the body. There are
mountains of studies linking the consumption of dairy
products to heart disease, cancer, arthritis, migraines,
allergies, asthma and other respiratory conditions--all
classic examples of illnesses caused or worsened by acid.

Dairy products also coat your mucus membranes and result
in thick, slow-moving mucus build-up. This is one of the
main reasons why so many children walk around with almost
constant stuffy noses and ear infections--their little
bodies can't deal with all the mucus and end up within
flammations and infections.

And what do doctors do for these kids? Prescribe drugs
(antibiotics) or put little tubes in their ears to drain
the pus and mucus. Another perfect example of ignoring the
cause and masking the symptoms.

If your kids have frequent colds, stuffy noses, sinus
infections and ear infections, do something that will
actually help them--take them off of dairy and you'll see a
huge difference.

Now, the Diary Council wants to make sure profits are
made, so dairy it touted as a health food. Celebrities are
paid bundles to paint fake milk moustaches on their upper
lips and pose above the caption, "Milk. It does a body

The ads should read: "Milk. It does a baby cow's body
good." That's what it's designed for--baby cows--not humans.

Cow's milk is designed to take an animal that weighs
between 80-100 pounds at birth to about a 550-pound weaned
calf within 6-10 months. I don't think Brooke Shields had
that in mind when she posed for her milk ad recently.

Cow's milk also has 300 times more casein than human milk.
Casein is a thick, gooey substance that helps form huge cow
bones. But inside a human, it's nearly impossible to
digest and creates a tremendous amount of acid in the

One of the scare tactics used by the dairy industry is
that dairy products are essential to make sure you have
enough calcium.

That's a joke.

I say that because the calcium in dairy products is
basically useless to a body with acid. You see, when your
body is overrun with acid (from acid-forming foods like
dairy products and bad food combinations), it leeches
minerals, including calcium, from your bones and organs to
neutralize the acid.

And you don't get the benefit of the calcium from dairy or
any supplements either, because it's used up in the fight
against acid too.

The bottom line is this: Dairy products are NOT good for
you. They are NOT a health food. And they're NOT
essential to get calcium.

Now you may be saying, "What do I do? I've eaten dairy
all my life?"

Great Taste No Pain is here to help.

The Great Taste No Pain manuals explain the dangers of
dairy, show you how to eat them to minimize their harmful
effects, and present delicious alternatives to dairy and
other animal products. The recipe book contains recipes
featuring alkaline, calcium-rich foods, with no moustaches


To your health,Sherry

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Attention purple pill poppers

By far one of the most common concerns my subscriber tell
me about is their desire to stop taking Nexium.

Other pills are mentioned too, but Nexium is the latest
"fashion" in acid reflux/GERD treatment, so it's the one I
hear about the most.

By the way, as soon as Nexium goes off patent, we'll hear
about the next latest fashion drug, which will be no better-
-just more expensive.

Hundreds of people have written to me, asking if Great
Taste No Pain can help them live a normal life without
drugs. They simply want to be able to eat and feel good
without having to take pills for the rest of their lives.

What's really sad (and scary) is that so many people talk
about being on Nexium for years.

The Big "Secret"

Did you know that Nexium is only meant to be taken for 4-8
weeks tops? Maximum. That's correct. That comes directly
from Nexium's own "Highlights of Prescribing Medication"

Controlled studies of Nexium don't even extend beyond 6

So if you've been taking it longer than that, you're a
human guinea pig.

I don't blame people for wanting to get off pills. I felt
the same way 16 years ago when my doctor handed me Donnatol
(an anti-spasmodic) to take before every meal for IBS. I
was outraged that pills were the only answer offered to me
by the medical community.

Thankfully, after learning how to eat right, I became
completely symptom- and pill-free and have been for 16
years. And the eating habits I continue to have after all
these years are incorporated in the Great Taste No Pain
Health System.

Eating the way I teach in Great Taste No Pain can make a
huge difference for acid reflux/GERD sufferers because...

...unlike pills, it addresses the root cause of the acidy
burps and heartburn--it doesn't just neutralize acid or
drug your stomach to stop it from producing acid like pills

Instead it naturally works with your body, respecting the
way it must digest different foods. When you feed your
body the way it's supposed to be fed by correctly combining
your meals, overproduction of acid (and the resulting
burps, heartburn and pain) is never an issue.



So, no pills necessary.

Did you know...

An important point to remember is that your stomach NEEDS
acid--acid is what digests proteins. So neutralizing it or
preventing your stomach from secreting it with pills
thwarts your digestion.

And that can lead to constipation, diarrhea and gas, among
other things.

The most common side effects of Nexium include headache,
diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, abdominal pain andc onstipation.

That shouldn't surprise you, since you now know that
taking it destroys proper digestion.

The problem is not acid--it's the overproduction of acid
from eating lots of acid-creating foods and bad food
combinations. So it's what and how you eat that leads to
acid reflux/GERD. Taking pills that stop your stomach from
doing its job is not the answer. Changing what you put in
your mouth is.

Let me show you a new life. A life of delicious food and
pain-free digestion. A life not depending on pills to
create false health. The same kind of life I've enjoyed
for 16 years...and will for the rest of my life. Come join

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: 8 days and Celia and her husband feel fantastic:

Well Sherry,

I have GERD, IBS and who knows what all for about 30

I had to get off Nexium for about 1 1/2 weeks due to
medical insurance issues and during that time I really
started feeling bad. Terrible reflux that burned and
burned, stomach cramps, gas....all the bad things.

I read about your plan online, I have been doing it for
about 8 days now (hubby also) and we are both much better.
I have been amazed.

I've passed out the information to several people I work
with who are on Nexium also. They see how much better I
have been feeling...oh, and I actually lost weight without

This is a great thing you are doing for people.

Thanks again,

Celia (Fort Mill, SC)

(c) copyright 2008 Holistic Blends
Orders: 1-315-295-1236
Holistic Blends Inc.
925 State Fair Blvd
Syracuse, NY 13209
Ph.: 315-295-1236
FAX: 315-468-5818

REAL dietary advice for Crohn's

I just read a paper from the Mayo Clinic about dietary
suggestions for people with Crohn's disease.

(For those who don't have it, Crohn's disease is a chronc
inflammation that most often affects the lower end of the
small intestine and the large intestine (colon). It causes
chronic diarrhea, extreme pain, fever and sometimes rectal

The paper starts out as terrible "advice" right from the
very beginning. I put advice in quotes because this
article is anything but usable advice.

The picture at the top of the page shows a meal that is so
horribly combined it would send people with the healthiest
bowels into writhing pain--not just Crohn's sufferers.

Then it says, "Dietary guidelines for Crohn's disease vary
depending on the severity of the disease, location of the
inflammation, and symptoms," but then doesn't bother to
explain what to do based on whatever symptoms you might have.

Instead you're supposed to just ask your doctor, as if he
or she knows anything about proper eating habits.

Below are some of the eating guidelines from the Mayo
Clinic "experts" along with my comments:


#1: Eat a well-balanced diet.

SB: Can you tell me what that means? If you ask 10
different people that question you'll get 10 different
answers. Lots of people think McDonald's is a balanced

#2: Ask your doctor if you need to take vitamin or
mineral supplements to compensate for any deficiencies.

SB: I've only met one doctor in my life that knew
anything about vitamin and mineral supplementation, and her
practice specializes in wellness and longevity. Unless
they've taken the time to get specialized additional
education, most MDs have no knowledge about
supplements...most think they're snake oil or a waste of


#3: Drink plenty of fluids to decrease the risk of
dehydration from diarrhea.

SB: What fluids are fair game? Coffee? Tea? Fruit
punch? Soda? Lemonade? It's useless advice without
details or a place to get the details.


#4: Avoid foods that seem to worsen your symptoms. Foods
that cause discomfort in some people include spicy foods,
fried foods, and raw vegetables and fruits.

SB: I'm appalled at this incorrect advice--can't they
think of anything else to say? That's the same thing the
doctors told me 17 years ago when I was diagnosed with IBS.
It was baloney then and it's baloney now.

The main reason that certain foods seem to worsen Crohn's
symptoms (or any other digestive problem) is because those
foods are eaten with the wrong other foods--in other words,

Mis-combined foods wreak havoc from one end of the
digestive tract to the other. They cause overproduction of
acid (which leads to acid reflux attacks), they result in
poorly digested food which can get impacted in the colon,
low nutrient absorption from your food, gas, constipation
and diarrhea.


If you want REAL help with Crohn's disease or any other
digestive challenge, you've got to eat in a way that your
body can comfortably digest your food without excess acid.

When you do that, you can eat a giant variety of foods
(that you thought you couldn't eat).

When you eat the way I teach in Great Taste No Pain,
that's exactly what you'll get.

Lots of delicious, easy meals that sail on smoothly from
"one end to the other."

You'll probably be shocked at the foods you CAN eat that
you previously thought you couldn't, just by eating them
with the right other foods.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Get
Great Taste No Pain and in it I'll give you some
REAL help now. Delaying even one more day is one day too
long to be suffering from digestive problems and all the
related complications. Get it here:


PPS: Great Taste No Pain has changed Mike's life forever:


Dear Sherry,

When I got your first Email a few days ago I had just come

from the emergency room, having just been diagnosed with my

2nd round of diverticulitis in 2 years.

I was not impressed with what the doctors were telling me

was going to happen next.

I have been living on the huge bottles of extra strength

TUMS for years, and often sleeping sitting up to relieve

acid reflux.

I'm still on the antibiotics [2 more days] but since

getting and following your program, I'm off the TUMS,

feeling great, sleeping much better, and telling anyone

that will listen, to look up your website.

Thanks a lot. You have changed my life forever.

Mike Doncaster, Alaska

Monday, June 2, 2008

Freedom from ulcerative colitis

One of the most devastating digestive challenges known to
humans is ulcerative colitis.

Ulcerative colitis is a condition where inflammation and
sores form in the lining of the colon (large intestine) and
rectum. The inflammation kills the cells in the colon
wall, then the resulting sores bleed and produce pus.

The most common symptoms are horrible abdominal pain and
bloody as a result, people with ulcerative
colitis are typically told by their doctors to avoid fiber--
like fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

And to take drugs, of course, each of which have nasty
side effects:

- Aminosalicylates (to control inflammation): Side
effects include nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, and

- Steroids: Can cause weight gain, acne, facial hair,
high blood pressure, diabetes, mood swings, bone mass loss,
and an increased risk of infection.

- Immunomodulators (to reduce inflammation): People taking
these drugs are closely monitored for complications like
pancreatitis, hepatitis, a reduced white blood cell count
and an increased risk of infection.


How successful is it?


And here's how successful the above "treatments" are:

Between 25% - 40% of people with ulcerative colitis end up
having their colon completely removed (called an

The doctor takes out the sore-infested colon, creates a
permanent hole in the abdomen, attaches the end of the
small intestine to the hole, and the person wears a plastic
pouch over the hole to catch waste as it leaks - yes, I
said leaks - out 24 hours a day.

Nice, huh? My own mother has one of those pouches (the
result of colon cancer), and it's been a living hell for
her for 30 years.

And that's all the medical community has to offer--avoid
fiber, take pills, and maybe you'll still have to wear a
plastic bag.


The better option


But there is another option for people for ulcerative
colitis. Something that could actually help.

You see, when you eat lots of alkaline foods in a way that
allows for easy, comfortable digestion of food with a
minimal amount of acid, wastes move on smoothly through the
stomach, intestines and rectum.

Smooth bowel movements and wastes with less acid and
toxins means less chance of creating inflammations in the
colon. And no inflammations means no sores, no bleeding, etc.
Great Taste No Pain helps
make it all possible. Scrump-deli-icious foods. Correct
meal combinations. Digestion will be a breeze. Acid in
the stomach is kept low. Find out how much it can help
you. You have nothing to lose...except the pain, the pills
and the plastic pouch.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia
PS: Great Taste No Pain is helping Carmen with herulcerative colitis:

Dear Sherry:

About five years ago I was diagnosed with ulcerative
colitis, I have been in a diet since then and unable to eat
vegetables or fruits with more than 8 grams of fiber.

My condition is on remission but I have been taking Asacol
30mg, three times daily, one after every meal after all
these years. I have decided to eliminate the use of these
pills because after this change in diet I am confident thatI will be fit for life.

A friend of mine talked to me about your Great Taste No
Pain program and I decided to find out how it worked.

Well, let me tell you that I have been eating a lot of
produce with more than 8 grams of fiber and I am feeling
really good. I do not have that urgency to be going to the
bathroom continuously.

After I received the Great Taste No Pain recipe book, I
tasted some of your recipes, especially the ones from
Greece. I feel so good that I have even eliminated the use
of Gaviscon, no gas, no flatulence either.

I am really impressed about what this change in diet has
done for me, believe me I am very grateful to you and your
system because it really works.


Carmen Martinez

(c) copyright 2008 Holistic Blends

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
Holistic Blends Inc.

Answers on gluten - and case history

June 2nd, 2008,

I get a lot of questions asking about gluten sensitivity,
celiac disease, and gluten-free foods.

Without going into a medical school definition, a gluten
sensitivity is when your body has a negative reaction to
gluten, kind of like an allergy. Celiac disease, on the
other hand, is a specific genetic intolerance to gluten
that can develop at any age.

The symptoms of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease are
usually similar and can include:

* Digestive problems like pain, bloating, acid reflux,
constipation, diarrhea, gas, nausea, vomiting, and weight
loss or gain
* Fatigue and weakness
* Vitamin and mineral deficiency
* Headaches
* Joint pains
* Irritability, mood swings, depression
* Inability to concentrate
* Skin problems
* Low blood sugar
* Hair loss
* ADD/ADHD or autistic-type behaviors
* Nosebleeds
* Respiratory problems
* Nerve damage
* Seizures
* Easy bruising
* Abnormal menstrual cycles or infertility

With such a wide range of symptoms, celiac disease is
often misdiagnosed.

With the prevailing attitude most doctors have, if someone
came into their office with mood swings, depression and
fatigue, they'd be sent on their way in only a few moments
with a prescription for an anti-depressant, with no thought
whatsoever to gluten.

Sad but true.

With all the possible life-altering and often permanent
side-effects. They still hand them out like candy.

It's worse than sad.

If you suspect you may have a gluten sensitivity or celiac
disease, insist on being tested for it, and if your doctor
won't or can't do it, find one that will. It's that simple.

And to clarify what gluten actually is: Gluten is a
protein found in wheat, rye and barley and all products
derived from them. Sounds easy, but it gets tricky when
you don't see the words wheat, rye or barley spelled right

For example, "wheat" includes: wheat starch, hydrolized
wheat protein, wheat germ, flour, cake flour, bulgur,
semolina, spelt, durum, kamut, graham, farina, couscous,
seitan and matzoh.

Barley also includes malt, malt flavoring and malt

Here is a list of foods that usually contain gluten
(unless they specify they are gluten-free):

* All forms of wheat
* Barley and all its derivatives
* Beer
* Breads, bread crumbs, rolls, biscuits
* Cereal
* Cookies, cakes, cupcakes, donuts, muffins, pastries,
pie crusts, brownies and other baked goods
* Cornbread
* Crackers
* Croutons
* Gravies and thickened sauces
* Imitation seafood
* Licorice
* Marinades
* Pasta
* Pizza crust
* Pretzels
* Rye
* Soy sauce
* Stuffing

Note that celiac disease is commonly associated with other
conditions like Crohn's disease, diabetes, thyroid disease,
ulcerative colitis and lupus. So, it's extremely important
for someone with celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity to
combine their foods properly. Eating to maintain easy
digestion and keep acid and toxins low is essential to help
minimize the chances of developing another chronic

Great Taste No Pain makes it all a breeze. With the
exception of a few breads and desserts, all of my recipes
(in the recipe portion of GTNP) are either naturally gluten-
free or are very easily modified to make them gluten-free.

So if you have a gluten challenge, you can stay gluten-
free, correctly combine your foods, and enjoy every
delicious bite. Let Great Taste No Pain be your guide.

To your health,


PS: Tambra can now eat spaghetti sauce with no Tums

Dear Sherry,

I just finished my 4th day of your program and I'm truly
amazed! I'm so happy to report that I've been pain free
the entire time of following this eating plan.

The real test was on day two when I ate pasta with
marinara sauce which I absolutely love, but have always
suffered for days after eating it. Usually I've tried to
avoid it and other dishes with red sauce before starting
this plan.

I'm so happy & pleased to be able to say ....I had no ill
effects whatsoever!!! I didn't even have to eat any Tums
that I had become accustomed to eating like candy everyday.

Even my husband has noticed a difference in my attitude.
Before when I was so miserable all the time with the
constant pain everyday, so I wasn't a very happy person.
Now that I feel good, I'm not in any pain anymore, and I'm
a much happier person all together!

I can't stress enough how much this plan is working for
me, and I highly recommend it to anyone that is suffering
the way I was. The plan is so simple to follow! I'm not
even deprived of any of the foods I love.

This is definitely the way I will be eating for the rest
of my life.

Thank you Sherry for making this plan available! I only
wish I could have found out about it sooner.

A much happier wife,



(c) copyright 2008 Holistic Blends