Monday, June 16, 2008

Smoke and mirrors of sports and vitamin drinks

It's no secret that that sugar-laden caramel water infused with phosphoric acid is no good for you.

To quickly refresh your memory: Two of the big killers in soda are sugar and phosphoric acid.

In addition to the weight gain it creates, sugar increases insulin in your blood and can cause or worsen:
- asthma
- diabetes
- heart disease
- gallstones
- high blood pressure
- arthritis
- mood swings and personality changes
- mental illness and nervous disorders
- concentration and learning difficulties in children

And when the phosphoric acid from soda gets into your system, it throws your delicate balance of minerals way out of whack.

There should be a 2 to 1 ratio of calcium to phosphorus in your body. When you drink soda, you get deluged with extra phosphorus. In reaction, your body releases extra calcium into the bloodstream, trying to restore the 2 : 1 balance.

You may ask, "Where does the body get the extra calcium?"

The answer: From your bones.

That's right--every soda you drink leeches calcium from your bones and organs.

Is it any wonder why the US has more osteoporosis than anywhere in the world?

We lead the world in osteoporosis, in part, because we lead the world in soda consumption at 600 12-ounce servings per person per year--that's nearly 60 gallons for each man, woman and child each year.

Here's a neat factoid: It takes 32 glasses of water to neutralize the acid from just one glass of soda in your body. That's a lot of acid!

Some people with good intentions think that instead they'll be healthier by drinking sports drinks, energy drinks, vitamin-enriched waters or similar beverages.

Don't be fooled by the "health" claims made by the manufacturers of these drinks. You'd be better off drinking dirty dishwater. No joke.

These "health" drinks are NOT healthy. They are just marketed that way for one reason and one reason alone: Profits.

Here are some "healthy" drinks and their major ingredients:

* Gatorade G2: Water, sucrose (sugar), high fructose corn syrup (the worst form of sugar on the planet) and citric acid (another bone-brittling form of acid for your body to expend minerals to neutralize).

* Aquafina Alive Wellness Water: Water, white grape juice concentrate (mainly sugar), phosphoric acid (just like soda).

* Red Bull: Carbonated water, sucrose (sugar), glucose (more sugar), caffeine.

* Sobe Life Water: Water, sugar, citric acid and ascorbic acid (two more acids for your body to fight with its minerals).

* Vitamin Water: Water, crystalline fructose (sugar), cane sugar, citric acid.

* Gatorade: Water, sucrose syrup (sugar), high fructose corn syrup (see G2 above) and citric acid.

* Dasani Plus: Water, citric acid, phosphoric acid (just like soda).

Listen, my dear friend, don't let the beverage giants trick you with their multi-million dollar marketing campaigns and brainwash you into thinking their sugar and acid creations are actually good for you.

These drinks boast that they're fortified with vitamins and minerals (to make them appear healthy). But since your body can't possibly neutralize all the acid they cause, it can't even use any of those added nutrients. Ironic, huh?

So the claim that these drinks are healthy because ofadded nutrients is just a joke and a marketing ploy.

The beverage giants are led by their marketing divisions whose sole purpose is profits. And there are people in these organizations who know what I'm telling you now.

So the answer to the question is yes, they knowingly jeopardize and harm the health of billions with their drinks--getting kids (and adults) addicted to the sugar-- and sleep like babies at night while sweet visions of dollar signs dance in their heads.

If you want to be bursting with energy, be oxygenated and enjoy a long life, you must learn the drinks that ARE truly good for you.

You'll have all the energy you need, your body will be less of a host to sickness and disease, and if you do get sick, you'll heal faster because your immune system won't be compromised by all that acid.

Your skin will be healthier, digestion will be a whole lot more comfortable, and without all that excess sugar, there will be less of you to love, if you know what I mean.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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