Thursday, November 6, 2008

Is being thin bad

Hi my friend,

I've gotten a few questions recently from customers who
are concerned because they're dropping weight eating the
way I teach in Great Taste No Pain.

Now, for most people that would be a cause for
celebration. 6 out of every 10 Americans is overweight and
1 in 4 is obese, so there are a LOT of people looking to
make the scale number smaller.

But for others it's more of a perception thing. Here's
what I mean:

As Americans (and this applies to other industrialized
countries too) we have been getting larger and larger over
the last 50 years or so.

It hasn't happened overnight, but gradually.

In the 1950's the average dress size for a woman was an 8.
Now, 50 years later, it's crept up to a 14!

Our dependence on (and addiction to) fast food and
processed food, plus eating acidic, badly combining meals
has continued to widen our loads a little more each year.

Prior to the 1950's, fast food and processed foods were
not common, and meals were structured much more simply,
with less chance of horribly acidic combinations.

Now, because this backside ballooning has happened to
almost everyone, it's not noticed as much. After all, when
everyone around you looks like you, you think of yourself
as "normal" or "typical," right?

You may be typical but that's not necessarily a good
thing. Because when typical means weighing too much,
that's unhealthy.

Now back to the question of lost pounds and Great Taste No

When you eat how I teach in Great Taste No Pain
- ALL of your bodily
systems begin working more efficiently--probably better
than they have in your whole life.

Your heart works better because it's no longer under the
stress of pumping thickened acidic blood through your body.

Your kidneys work better because they are not filtering so
much acid out of your blood and dumping it into your urine.

Your pancreas works better and secretes insulin like it
should so you're less of a candidate for diabetes.

Plus, your foods digest easier and thoroughly. Built-up
wastes are eliminated from your colon.

You get the benefit of all the nutrients from your foods
because they're not destroyed by overproduction of acid in
the stomach, so you're hungry less often.

And the foods you eat are more nutritious and lower in
calories than the foods you used to eat a lot of.

You have more energy and sleep better.

And ALL of this results in dropping pounds.

But that's not a bad thing!

Ladies, just because everyone else around you is a size 14
or 16, what on earth is wrong with being a size 8 or 6 or
even 4? (I'm a size 2, I'm 46 years old and get told I
look 32 all the time. I'm not complaining.)

Or for you guys, what's wrong with size 32 jeans instead
of 38 or 40 or more?

Stop being concerned because you're different from other
people. When different can translate into many (healthy)
years added onto your life, that's a good thing, don't you

Don't worry about having to spend money on smaller
clothes. It's either that or spend it on doctor visits and
drugs for who-knows-what disease.

And don't be concerned about "starving" your body. When
you eat delicious, nutritious, correctly combined meals
plus snacks every day, and eat until you are comfortably
full (no need to feel hungry all the time), your body will
adjust itself to a slender, healthy weight and stay there.

So you can enjoy ALL the health benefits of Great Taste No
Pain, and together we can bring back an old saying from the

"Thin is in."

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: If you find yourself constantly hungry following Great
Taste NO Pain, it just means you aren't eating enough. Eat
more! And if you're dropping weight that you can't afford
to lose, Again, eat more. There is no downside to eating
more if your body is burning it off. It's healthy!
So "Mangi tanto come volete!"

PPS: Bessie has lost 10 pounds and has more energy:



My sister bought your books for me and I started last
Monday, a week ago.

I have lost 10 pounds and my ankles no longer swell up as
much as they did before. I have more energy and feel great.

I rarely get very hungry unless I go too long before
eating. I was a sweets junkie and no longer crave sweets.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Bessie Posey


SB: Bessie, it sounds like you have a terrific sister.

(c) copyright 2008 Holistic Blends

Orders: 1-315-295-1236

Holistic Blends Inc.

925 State Fair Blvd
Syracuse, NY 13209

Ph.: 315-295-1236
FAX: 315-468-5818

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Diverticulitis sufferers jump for joy

Hi my friend,

Over the last year, literally hundreds of people have told
me about their attacks of diverticulitis, and their stories
are so vivid, I wince at the pain that's so obvious in
every single one.

Then I sadly think of all the poor people in the world
suffering from this devastating condition, anxiously
worrying about when the next attack will strike. Many are
awaiting surgery to repair or remove their diseased colon.

Many have already had surgery...and don't want to have any

They go through all of this because they don't have any
other answers. The doctor says drugs and surgery are the
only way to treat diverticulitis, and that's all they know.

If they only knew about Great Taste No Pain.

I'm passionate about helping people with this horrible
disease (and other digestive conditions) to avoid surgery,
get off medication and heal.

And every single day I receive letters from people all
over the world telling me how Great Taste No Pain changed
their lives.

Bob wrote to me describing his recent diverticulitis
attack--he nearly had surgery too. Plus his wife had been
suffering from acid reflux.

Both of their lives have drastically changed with Great
Taste No Pain:


Hi Sherry,

On the Thursday before Labor Day this year I was having an
ordinary day at work. I went to lunch at my normal time &
ate salisbury steak with much G-R-A-V-Y. I thought to
myself, all this gravy looks disgusting, but I was hungry
so I ate it anyway.

I went back to my desk and I couldn't sit down, the
abdominal pain was so severe. I went to a "quiet" room for
a few minutes thinking the pain would subside but it
didn't. I told my supervisor that I had to leave. I
stopped at my doctor's office on my way home but he was off
that afternoon.

His staff told me to go to the ER if the pain didn't
diminish. I came home and my son drove me to the hospital,
where, after having a CAT scan, I was admitted.

The next day my attending physician came & told me that I
had a perforated colon as a result of diverticulitis and he
was planning on operating, but he wanted to hold off for a
couple of days to see what would happen. (I had been
diagnosed with diverticulitis about 4 years earlier.)

I was given no food or liquid Friday and Saturday. Sunday
morning I was given another CAT scan. I saw the doc again
on Monday & he advised me that the colon had sealed itself.

I was relieved, but when I returned home I felt I would
never be the same again. I knew I didn't want to go
through that horror again so I decided to do some research
on the internet, and that's how I found your website.

I ordered your program, and my wife and I both have been
following your principles and enjoying your recipes

She had been experiencing acid reflux herself. Both of us
had a lot of gas after meals and eating had nearly always
produced bloating and discomfort.

Both of us have been feeling so much better on your plan
and we plan to continue it. Since my hospitalization I
believe I have lost approximately 20 lbs and, due to your
plan, I haven't put any of it back on.

I am also sleeping better. Prior to this hospitalization
I had been diagnosed with sleep apnea.

I feel the best I have felt in years.

When I hear people complain about acid reflux, stomach
pain, diarrhea and the like I suggest your website to them.

Thank you for your helpful information and your passion
for carrying the message.

Bob...a satisfied customer


SB: Bob, you're on the right path to avoiding any more of
those horrible diverticulitis attacks (and surgery!). And
I'm happy to hear about your wife's acid reflux going away
too. All my best to both of you.


For everyone else, if you or someone you love suffers from
diverticulitis, know this: Drugs and surgery are NOT a
cure! You need to stop doing what caused the problem and
start doing what will heal the problem.

It's c-o-m-m-o-n s-e-n-s-e.

Just like you can't expect your car to run on water, you
can't expect your body to be healthy if you feed it food
that requires too much acid to break it down, processed non-
food and poorly combined meals.

It's simple common sense and biology. And I explain it
all and more in the Great Taste No Pain manuals.

Give it a try, and if you have it, be sure to use it every

And I bet that, like Bob, you'll feel the best you have in

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Here's another diverticulitis sufferer who has gotten
her life back...after nearly DYING several times:


Hi Sherry,

I am on my fourth day of your eating plan and am amazed at
the results. I have not taken 1 tablet in 3 days. Normally
I take up to 20 tablets per day - Nexium, Scopex, Allergex,
Adco Cyclazine, Librax, etc.

I have been suffering with Acid Reflux, Colitis,
Gastritis, Diverticulitis, IBS - all the things you mention
for the past 5 years. I have almost died on numerous
occasions and been in the hospital more times than I can

You are an absolute Godsend. I cannot believe this is
working for me. I have been to numerous doctors,
specialists, dieticians to no avail.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I at last feel
like I have my life back.

Thank you so much once again and have a good day.



(c) copyright 2008 Holistic Blends

Orders: 1-315-295-1236

Holistic Blends Inc.

925 State Fair Blvd
Syracuse, NY 13209

Ph.: 315-295-1236
FAX: 315-468-5818

Monday, November 3, 2008

A mile in the shoes of an IBS sufferer

Hi my friend,

The saying "Walk a mile in my shoes" is very thought-
provoking and powerful, especially when it's referring to
something as painful and life-compromising as IBS.

No one can imagine the horrible discomfort and
embarrassment unless you've lived it...but Clemen does a
good job of explaining it.

And you can see what life is like for her AFTER IBS, too,
through her words:


Dear Sherry,

I really don't know how to start, but I want to say THANK
YOU LORD for having crossed in my path this wonderful woman
(Sherry my healing angel) and THANK YOU SHERRY for coming
to my rescue.

After being diagnosed with IBS, I did some research to see
what IBS really meant. I read many things about it, but I
realized what I need is to know what I can eat and what I
can't, and that's how I got to you.

I've been suffering with diarrhea for over eight years,
which has gotten worse over the last two years, as well as
attacks of chest pain.

My doctor diagnosed me with acid reflux and prescribed
Nexium and Prilosec. When I kept complaining about the
acidity I felt, he referred me to a Gastroenterologist.

I had an Endoscopy and Colonoscopy done, but results were
negative. After a few weeks, I went back to the gastro and
explained ALL my symptoms--having diarrhea about eight to
ten times a day, plus those embarrassment moments (attacks)
at home and after eating out. That's when he told me I
suffer from IBS.

(Sherry, why I never told my doctor I had problems with
diarrhea before, I don't know. I thought it was something
I had to go thru all my life, so ignorant.)

The new doctor told me to take Align once a day, and
Dicyclomine (an anti-spasmodic) before each meal. I took
them for about three days, when you, Sherry, came into the

I don't have to tell you all the horrors we IBS sufferers
go through, as you are so well aware of them, from visiting
all the bathrooms at the shopping centers, or staying home
to avoid bathroom problems, and not enjoying having lunches
or dinners in restaurants, plus the agonies of the many
embarrassment moments at home and out.

This is my third week on your program. I didn't write
before because I didn't believe it myself, and I am still
astonished. My husband didn't believe it at first either,
because the results so far seem too good to be true!

I am not taking any medicine including the Prilosec. The
diarrhea has stopped; my bowel movements are three to four
daily, and getting to be kind of normal now.

I feel so free and released of the agony I've been living
with. I am 71-1/2 years old, and I thought I was going to
have to get used to that ugly situation until I died.

I couldn't eat a lot of the good stuff I am eating now,
like onions, garlic, tomatoes, fruit like mangoes and
peaches, avocados, beans of any color, broccoli,
cauliflower, cabbage, and God forbid hot or chili sauces,
and more.

All those things blotted me before and gave me serious
attacks of gastritis, and of course everything I ate gave
me diarrhea.

I am trying to follow step by step your advice,
recommendations and good sense. I have started memorizing
"what to eat with what" and before I cook, I run to check
what to use from your cook book.

Sherry, (my God sent angel) thank you so much for your
help--what you are doing for us IBS sufferers is beyond
description, it's priceless. God will reward your efforts
for helping us.

Thank you again and again. I enjoy your daily e-mails,
they are always informative and all the testimonies I read
touch home.

I wish there were enough words to express my gratitude,
but one thing for sure, is that you are blessed constantly.

God bless you...gratefully,



SB: Clemen, wow, you brought tears to my eyes! You're
right--I know very well the living hell of IBS, and I'm so
glad you didn't just accept it as something to "get used
to" for the rest of your days.

At 71-1/2 years young, I'm sure you have LOTS of happy,
pain-free days to look forward to. God bless.


Now for the rest of you: If you or someone you love
suffers from the prison of IBS, you can break free and
enjoy a life without pain, diarrhea or embarrassment with
Great Taste No Pain.

As Clemen says, it's so effective it's almost hard to
believe. But it's true, and it works SO fast.

See how quickly you or your loved one can feel alive again.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

PS: Beverley, too, is now living a life without the pain
of IBS and diverticulitis:



I am so happy I found your site--it's been a gift.

I was hospitalized for diverticulitis and irritable bowel
syndrome. I was on morphine for pain plus antibiotics, all
of which I had an allergic reaction to. I was sent home no
better than when I went in.

In desperation I found your site. I had been given anti-
spasmodic pills, antibiotics, pain killers and more, and
none of them helped. Your program was my last resort.

I have followed it religiously and now have a very calm,
comfortable stomach.

I can't believe the difference even the first 24 hours
made! I now think of your plan as my bible.

I wish I had found you a long time ago. I feel my life is
turned around now.

Thank you, Sherry, very much.



(c) copyright 2008 Holistic Blends

Orders: 1-315-295-1236

Holistic Blends Inc.

925 State Fair Blvd
Syracuse, NY 13209

Ph.: 315-295-1236
FAX: 315-468-5818